If you are suffering from diabetes, you should know that diabetes has some major consequences on your feet. Your podiatrist is here to help you prevent future consequences of diabetes on your feet or treat current problems you are experiencing.


Diabetes has no consequences on feet.


On the contrary, diabetes can cause sensitivity loss, foot deformities, wounds, and infections. Diabetes also makes your skin and your nails thicker.

It is beneficial to see a podiatrist if:

  • You have a foot injury: If you are suffering from diabetes, you are more at risk of getting an infection from an injury. Your podiatrist is trained to treat your injury in order to prevent it from getting infected. Your podiatrist can also prescribe medication to apply to your wound in order to prevent an infection and promote healing.
  • You have thick nails, corns, or calluses: As mentioned, you are more at risk of getting an infection from an injury like a cut or a wound. Therefore, it is not recommended to attempt to remove your thick corn and calluses and trim your thick nails by yourself at home. In order to prevent an injury, it is wise to let your podiatrist take care of your corn and nails. Your podiatrist is equipped with all the necessary instruments to do this safely.
  • You need a yearly checkup of your feet: Diabetes causes sensitivity loss in your feet and foot deformities. As your foot changes shape, it will rub around in your shoes and create areas of friction. Because you might lose some sensitivity in your feet due to diabetes, you are not aware of those areas of increasing friction. These areas of friction can transform into infected wounds when left untreated. Therefore, it is wise to let a podiatrist check up on your feet at least once a year.

What is the process of a diabetic foot care consultation?

Your podiatrist is here to help you prevent and treat any foot problem related to your diabetes.

1. Evaluation of your feet

Your podiatrist will first start with a complete checkup of your feet. Your podiatrist will evaluate if you have any sensitivity loss, foot deformities, and areas at risk of infection.

2. Relieving excessive friction

Thickened nail and skin create excessive friction that leads to infected wounds when left untreated. This is why it is important to let your podiatrist shave down the thickened skin and trim down the nails once in a while.

3. Protecting area at risk

Your podiatrist can provide a prescription for orthopedic shoes or provide a custom-made orthotic to prevent foot deformities and relieve areas from excessive friction.

You may benefit from a consultation if you have diabetes and are experiencing:

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